On the 17th April 2023, the “White Horse Theater“ came to the Georg-Forster-Gesamtschule in Wörrstadt and presented their play “The Tyrants` Kiss“ to the 8th and 9th grade. It was played by four very talented actors: Sunshine, Max, Eshy and Bethany. The play is about about a refugee, Perry, who tries to reach Europe but his path is more complicated than he thinks.
The play is based on a play by Shakespeare called “Pericles“.
Perry is an illegal immigrant with no papers. First he is in Turkey. The police is after him but he can escape. His contact Helicane puts him on a boat which sinks. He is swimming in the water for many hours but then he is washed ashore at Pentapolis, a remote place. Simonides and Thaisa find him and help him. Perry is a guest at their house for a long time and Thaisa and Perry start to like each other, actually they fall in love.
The play was structured very well. Every actor played their roles perfectly even though only three of four actors changed their roles often. Perry, the main character, was always played by the same person. The emotions and feelings were presented very well by these actors. Something what impressed me much was how quick and flawless they could change their roles, sometimes they were bad people, sometimes they were good people. Even if you saw that they went backstage, you knew that they would switch roles but you couldn’t see the role they played before, only their face hadn`t changed. All their acting skills were fabulous, nobody looked nervous or scared, they showed much confidence in their acting and also in their speaking. The play is written in modern English, so everything was comprehensible and you could follow the plot very well. The play is actually set in modern times so phones and laptops exist already. The stage was simple and fit perfectly to the scenes even though they didn’t move many props only a bench and a ladder, sometimes some small objects. They didn’t use much technology, only two colorful lights in purple and blue and of course the huge headlight so everybody could see their acting. They haven’t produced any pictures on walls or any kind of these actions so the play was minimalist and simple and that was something what made the play so fascinating. They could use so few things to create a wonderful scene.
In my opinion this is a very interesting but at the same time a heartbreaking story. Every member of this family is lied to and nobody can find the actual truth about what happened and where they might be. I liked everything in this story, this might sound boring but it was just so nice I don`t know what I would improve. They trained for this for a long time and you could see that they made a lot of effort. It was just a flawless play with a good plot.
Karolina W. (9a)